PHD Entrance test Come Registration fee (Rs. 5000/-)
Online And Off Line Entrance Exam
Entrance Exam Result Declaration
Qualified Scholars called for the Interview and Document Verification
Provisional registration
for pre Ph.D. course work classes
Course work class conducted as per schedule
Course work Examination
Result Declaration of course work
Scholar Research Topic Selection
Submission of synopsis ( 2 spiral bound copies with soft copy of synopsis)
(DRC) Departmental Research Committee meeting scheduled by University
Registration and DRC letter will be issued
Research work started by scholar
4 Progress reports(each of 6 months interval) will be submitted
Soft copy of thesis submitted
Plagiarism report checked by University
Soft copy of corrected thesis will be sent to experts for evaluation
After taking consent of experts, for pre-submission one set spiral binding of thesis will be submitted.
After successful presentation of pre-submission, 5 copy of hard binding of thesis must be submitted.
Ph.D. Final Viva must be conducted as per schedule of University.
Final Degree Awarded.
Career Matrix is a leading Distance education institute based in Borivali Mumbai, offering a comprehensive range of distance learning programs for bachelor’s degrees.